
We appreciate your visiting our website. In this part you will find the answers to FAQ about the orthodontology and everything that is connected with it. Also, here you can ask the doctor-orthodontist any questions or to receive independent advices from doctors of the other specialties.


  • What is orthodontology?

Orthodontology (from Greek: orthos – straight, Latin – dens, dentis – tooth) is the specialty of dentistry that is connected with study of the etiology, diagnostics, prevention methods and treatment of the different dento-maxillofacial anomalies.


  • What is orthodontic treatment?

The orthodontic treatment is the correction of the children’s bad habits, modification of the jaw bones growth with the inherited forms of malocclusion, correction of anomalies and pathologies of occlusion, correction of incorrect position of teeth. Also the orthodontic treatment can be a phase of a general dental treatment for the adults, for example, when periodontitis, pathological tooth abrasion, preparation for implantation and prosthetics of teeth, correction of temporomandibular joints (TMJ).


  • When is the best time to come to the orthodontists for the first?

It is recommended to bring your child to a consultation with an orthodontist for the first time in the age of 6-7years, even if aren’t any problems or complains. But, if you, the parents, already have any questions or suspicions an appointment to the orthodontist should not be postponed.


  • What if the child still sucks the thumb in the age of 1.5 years?

Don’t worry dear parents thumb sucking is considered natural until 2.5-3 years.