Orthodontics for the adults

If you look into the history of the orthodontics, you will see that the orthodontic treatment was provided only for children and teenagers. If you’ve ever come across the description of the adult’s orthodontic treatment, then it was rather the exception than the rule in the orthodontist work. And even in the countries-founders of the modern orthodontology (France, USA, Germany), the braces and the other orthodontic appliances have been associated only with the 12-14 years old children. Just a few years ago, to see an adult with braces was pretty unusual. But now, you may meet them with different types of braces on teeth all over the world and it does not seem unusual any more. According to statistics, one in three orthodontic patients is an adult.

The age of the person is not important and the orthodontic treatment is possible if the dental and the orthodontic diagnoses are properly set. The teeth movement mechanics are similar in both children as well as adults. The only difference is that the adults besides the orthodontic problems, usually, have a number of others. For instance: multiple restorations, dental bridges, crowns, abrasion, disease of paradontium tissues, TMJ problems. So it is impossible to ignore. In case of the adults’ treatment, the orthodontist works closely with leading dentist of the patient, making the general treatment plan, discussing all the dental problems and the way of their solution together with the patient. Usually, after bite and teeth alignment, the patient needs to replace all the orthopedic appliances (of course, if they are some of them), to correct or replace the restoration of teeth. If the patient suffers from paradontium tissues disease, the orthodontic treatment is carried out along with the parodontist and only after the acute inflammatory process is stopped.After the orthodontic treatment is completed, the doctor-parodontist provides the teeth splinting with the further monitoring. However, sometimes to solve the orthodontic problem the help of the other specialist is needed. Since the growth of the facial bones is already finished, in some cases to achieve the desired result it is necessary to resort to the Orthognatic Surgery.

In spite of the common view, the braces attached on the teeth will not interfere with the habitual life-style of the adult. So the adult orthodontic patients can hold business presentations, sing, play musical instruments, have lunch, and, of course, the braces will not prevent them from kissing! Most likely, the biggest problem for adults is to find time in their very busy schedule for the orthodontist regular visits.

Unattractive smile because of teeth irregularity, periodontitis, impossibility to have the appropriate teeth restoration, to set ceramic crown or an implant is the main reason for orthodontic treatment with the adults. Crooked teeth and incorrect bite may have serious impact on the oral cavity health.

The orthodontic treatment may help to prevent the numerous potential problems, such as caries, periodontology, bad breath, pain and clicking in TMJ and, even, possible loss of tooth.

And, more importantly, you will be the owner of a delightful, sparkling smile, symbolizing happiness!